Terms and Conditions

Vehicle Lease Agreement


On one side, Ms. Danguole Okuliciene, with NIF/CIF Y8474232-B and address at Calle Calera 2, Torrevieja (Alicante), hereinafter referred to as the Lessor.

On the other side, Name and Surname , with DNI1234567 and address at ……., hereinafter referred to as the Lessee.

Both parties, meeting on the date of this heading, mutually acknowledge their capacity to sign this Vehicle Lease Agreement for the specified vehicle and


  1. That the Lessor is authorized to lease the vehicle described in the Annex of this contract and is interested in leasing it.
  2. That the Lessee is interested in renting said vehicle.
  3. That both parties have agreed to formalize this vehicle lease agreement, which will be governed by the following


Clause One – Object

1.1. The Lessor leases to the Lessee the vehicle described below, with the Lessee assuming all responsibilities that may arise from the possession and use of the vehicle from the moment of delivery until its return to the Lessor:

The Lessor leases to the Lessee a Motor Vehicle with the following characteristics:

  • License Plate: 1996MGF
  • Brand: VW
  • Model: Touran
  • Color: Black

1.2. The Lessee acknowledges receiving the vehicle in perfect operating and clean condition, with the bodywork, upholstery, tires, headlights, and accessories in good condition, along with the necessary documentation for its circulation.

1.3. The Lessee is expressly prohibited from altering any technical characteristics of the vehicle, equipment, or exterior and/or interior appearance. In case of doing so, the Lessee shall bear the costs of restoring the vehicle to its original state and pay an indemnity amount for the immobilization of the vehicle, set at the daily rental rate for the days it is immobilized.

Clause Two – Duration

2.1. The duration of this contract shall be from 17.05.2024 to 20.05.2024. Upon its expiration, if the Lessee wishes to keep the vehicle for a longer period than agreed in the contract, they must notify the Lessor before the end of the contract, obtain written authorization, and pay the corresponding amount.

2.2. The Lessee agrees to return the vehicle to the Lessor at the place, date, and time specified in the contract annex. The rental is considered completed only when the vehicle and its keys have been delivered to the Lessor.

Clause Three – Price

3.1. The rental price is set at ……….(daily/monthly) to be paid by the Lessee via………………. In case of non-payment of any installment (or other agreed period…….) during the contract term, the Lessor may terminate the contract by notifying the Lessee of their decision not to continue the contract’s validity.

3.2. The Lessee agrees to pay the Lessor the total rental price specified in the Annex. The price will include the amounts set for time and mileage, if applicable, fuel (whether refilled or not), contracted insurance, and taxes arising from the rental. The Lessee agrees to provide the required deposit as specified in the Annex to cover potential liabilities.

3.3. Rental rates include the mandatory vehicle insurance coverage as well as comprehensive insurance (civil liability insurance, legal defense, damage claims…).

Clause Four – Use of the Vehicle

4.1. Only the Lessee and the persons duly identified and authorized as specified in the contract annex are permitted to drive the vehicle, provided they are over 25 years old and hold a valid and current driver’s license with a minimum …… years of experience.

4.2. The Lessee agrees to drive the vehicle in accordance with traffic regulations and the vehicle’s use specifications, bearing the cost of fines for any infringement of applicable laws committed by the Lessee.

4.3. The Lessee will use the vehicle for ……………. exclusively and may not use it for transporting passengers or goods for commercial or industrial purposes without the Lessor’s authorization.

4.4. The Lessee agrees not to use the vehicle or allow it to be used in the following situations: a) Paid passenger transport. b) Pushing or towing any vehicle or any other rolling or non-rolling object. c) Participating in official or unofficial competitions. d) Conducting material, accessory, or product resistance tests for automobiles. e) Driving the vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs. f) Transporting goods that violate the law or current legal provisions or for illegal purposes. g) Transporting passengers exceeding the number authorized and indicated in the vehicle’s Technical Inspection Sheet. h) Transporting goods exceeding the authorized weight, quantity, and/or volume indicated in the vehicle’s Technical Inspection Sheet. i) Transporting goods classified as special or dangerous under current transport laws. j) Using or allowing the rented vehicle to be used as a means or instrument for committing crimes, acts punishable, prohibited, or simply sanctioned by law, aiding criminals, or protecting, transporting, and sheltering objects derived from crimes. k) Making modifications to the structure or installing roof racks or luggage/merchandise. l) Driving the vehicle outside Spanish territory or making transfers between islands. m) Manipulating or unsealing the odometer, and reporting any malfunction to the Lessor. Mileage will be measured by the odometer or by road maps if the odometer fails.

4.5. Unless expressly authorized, the rented vehicle may only circulate within the authorized area specified in the contract annex.

4.6. The Lessee agrees to keep the vehicle locked when not in use and to keep its documents inside.

4.7. The Lessee agrees to stop and immobilize the vehicle if any malfunction is detected or if any warning lights are illuminated, immediately contacting the Lessor or the assistance company contracted by the Lessor.

4.8. The Lessee may not transfer, sell, sublease, mortgage, pledge, or otherwise dispose of the vehicle or its elements without the express written consent of the Lessor.

4.9. The vehicle is delivered to the Lessee with a full tank of fuel, and the Lessee agrees to return it with a full tank. The fuel consumed during the rental period is at the Lessee’s expense.

If the vehicle is not returned with a full tank, the Lessee will pay the cost of refueling and a 100€ penalty as compensation for refueling costs.

Clause Five – Maintenance and Repairs

5.1. The Lessor assumes normal mechanical wear and tear of the vehicle. Maintenance and repair costs incurred during the rental period are the responsibility of the Lessor. If a repair or maintenance is necessary, the Lessee must obtain the Lessor’s authorization to perform it and provide the corresponding invoice in the Lessor’s name for reimbursement.

Clause Six – Accidents and Thefts

6.1. The Lessee and authorized drivers as specified in the contract annex are covered by the civil liability insurance policy contracted by the Lessor.

6.2. The Lessee must immediately inform the Lessor of any incident and fill out the accident report with complete details of the other party and any witnesses, which must be sent to the Lessor. The presence of injured persons must be reported to the competent authorities.

6.3. In case of an accident, and whenever reasonably possible, the Lessee will not abandon the vehicle without taking appropriate measures to protect and safeguard it.

6.4. In case of theft, the Lessee must file a report with the competent authority and send a copy to the Lessor.

6.5. The Lessee can contact the Lessor via the phone, email, or physical address of the Lessor’s establishment listed in the contract annex.

Clause Seven – Termination for Breach

7.1. The Lessee agrees to comply with all clauses of this contract and acknowledges that breach of any of them will entitle the Lessor to terminate the lease without prior notice or demand, with the Lessee bearing all obligations assumed by signing this contract.

Clause Eight – Jurisdiction

8.1. In case of non-return of the vehicle on the agreed date due to reasons attributable to the Lessee, the company may charge an amount equivalent to the daily rate according to the season, even if any amount is retained from the card.

8.2. Both parties agree to submit to the legally applicable courts.

For the record, they sign this lease agreement in duplicate and for a single purpose on the date and place indicated above.

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